6 passenger Lincoln Stretch Limo

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6 passenger Lincoln Stretch Limo – Free 6 passenger Lincoln Stretch limo company direct price quotes from your local limo network of top rated providers!

The 6 passenger Lincoln Stretch Limo is the smallest of the Lincoln Stretch Limos and is common and abundant in the limousine industry. The 6 passenger stretch limo has two bench seats the same size as a town car facing each other if front and back.


These limos do not usually have J seating configurations and are often rented for two couples or 4 guests for maximum comfort. If you are prone to car sickness you should not sit facing backwards in the 6 passenger Lincoln limo as it can make you a little queasy. Despite the backwards facing bench seat for up to 3 of the passengers this is still a very popular limo type and is very economical in comparison to other limos.